5-element Lifestyle

Retreat activities designed to balance your elements

For guests wishing to immerse themselves in the 5-element Living experience, we are able to design a selection of retreat activities for the purpose of balancing individual elements.

We can create a full or half-day personalized schedule based around balancing your 5-element profile, or guests can choose from our 'a-la-carte' retreat activity menu.

Learn about your own unique element combination, including which elements you lack and which you have in excess, as well as how the elements influence your physical and emotional health and personality.

Discover which activities, hobbies, career choices and lifestyle habits can help to balance your elements and improve your overall physical and emotional health.

Then let us suggest which retreat activities will help balance your elements – increasing the elements you lack and diminishing the elements you have too much of.

Select a single retreat activity or let us design a half or whole day program for you or your team.